NASA focuses on private sector

The Space Power Facility at the NASA Glenn Research Center's Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio. At right is a shuttle stop for visitors. THE BLADE/JETTA FRASER Enlarge | Buy This Photo Published: 5/17/2013 - Updated: 16 hours ago SANDUSKY


SANDUSKY NASAs second-in-command toured the space agencys Northern Ohio research facilities Thursday in an effort to cast attention on the capabilities they have and the work theyre doing with private sector companies whose dreams lie beyond the Earths atmosphere.

Though recent reports have called NASAs Glenn Research Center in Cleveland and its Plum Brook Station outside Sandusky underused, NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver came with a message that the scope of research possible at the two facilities is critical.

Plum Brook Station, covering 6,400 acres just south of Sandusky, is unrivaled in its simulated space environment testing facilities. The station is home to the worlds largest vacuum chamber, the worlds most powerful low-frequency mechanical vibration test stand, and a recently added acoustic test chamber that is the world's most powerful. That chamber is currently occupied by SpaceX. The California-based private spaceflight company is using it to test a protective fairing that will cover components of the rocket upon launch.

Speaking in front of the massive acoustic chamber, Ms. Garver praised the work the space agency is doing with SpaceX and other private companies.

We do believe were on this path with NASA that allows us to invest in technologies and innovation and facilities that can be utilized by the private sector so they can open up new markets, so they can innovate, and do those things weve been doing for a long time in this case, go to low earth orbit, Ms. Garver said. We know weve been doing that for more than 50 years and were looking forward to going beyond with our own vehicles that will be tested here soon.

NASA plans to begin testing on its upcoming Orion spacecraft at Plum Brook in the 2016 to 2017 time frame. Testing is under way with SpaceX, though the company is fairly mum on the specifics.

Obviously you dont get to space unless you launch. As youre getting ready to launch, you test out all the modalites. Its going to be a shaking ride, so on your way to orbit you want to make sure youve tested everything, that everything works the way you planned it to work, said Adam Harris, vice president of government sales for SpaceX. Were seeing that happen here in this facility.

Being able to do the testing on the ground at a place like Plum Brook is advantageous, he said.

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NASA focuses on private sector

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