Pastor Appreciates ‘Spirituality of the Chinese’ in Shen Yun

Pastor Rob Lloyd (R) enjoys Shen Yun Performing Arts with his wife and friends at the Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall in Honolulu, Hawaii, on May 4, 2013.

Mr. Lloyd said he appreciated the spiritual emphasis in the performance, adding that the performance reflected the spirituality of the Chinese.

You have to be right as a person before you can go out and dance because who you are comes through in your moves and the movement of the whole piece as a whole, said Mr. Lloyd.

In traditional China, it was believed that the character of the artist was essential to creating great art. If an artist was not virtuous, their work could not be considered good no matter how it looked. Shen Yun artists follow in this tradition by practicing meditation and cultivation of character so that their performances convey the most uplifting meanings possible.

The costumes were amazing, Mr. Lloyd said. The dance routines, they make it look very simple, but it is very, very difficult moves that they do.

Mr. Lloyd said he enjoyed the orchestra that accompanied the performance. Theres a lot of texture to the music that added to the program.

Shen Yun orchestras are unique in that they consist of the foundation of a Western philharmonic orchestra but also include traditional Chinese instruments that lead the melodies.

According to the Shen Yun website, The sound produced is uniquely pleasing to the ear. The ensemble at once expresses both the grandeur of a Western orchestra and the distinct sensibilities of Chinas 5,000-year-old civilization.

This was a very family-friendly performance, Mr. Lloyd said.

Reporting by Flora Ge and Jasper Fakkert

Continued here:

Pastor Appreciates ‘Spirituality of the Chinese’ in Shen Yun

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