Brewer vetoes individual health care shopping bill

PHOENIX -- Saying there are technical problems with the proposal, Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed legislation Friday which would have allowed individuals to shop around for the best price on health care needs.

The legislation crafted by Sen. Nancy Barto, R-Phoenix, would essentially have put hospitals and doctors in the same position as retailers: They would have to give people an opportunity to learn what certain procedures will cost, before they show up in a waiting room.

That would have included both a requirement for online posting as well as making a price list available on site.

Barto promoted the legislation as a cost-containment measure, especially for patients without comprehensive health insurance who end up having to pay all or part of their medical bills.

In her veto, the third of the legislative session, Brewer said she supports the idea of transparency "which will provide useful information to help patients manage their health care needs." But the governor said there are "practical and potential legal implications of this bill."

Barto, however, called the veto "an incredible insult to consumers."

The senator said she had been in contact with the governor's office all along about her proposal and had not heard any objections -- until now. Barto said she would have made necessasry changes had the Brewer's staff raised issues before final approval -- and before this year's legislative session was so far along as to make it too late to start over.

And Barto said it may be that Brewer's veto has less to do with the text of the legislation than the fact she has been an outspoken foe of the governor's push to expand the state Medicaid program.

"It's not to her benefit to play those games," Barto said of the governor. "She's not going to gain votes by being petty."

Gubernatorial press aide Matthew Benson said the veto is totally unrelated to Barto's opposition to the Medicaid plan. He said there were "technical concerns."

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Brewer vetoes individual health care shopping bill

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