Freedom Flotilla: Lake Eyre to West Papua

Freedom Flotilla: Lake Eyre to West Papua

11 April 2013

Uncle Kevin (Kev) Buzzacott, a Peacemaker from Arabunna Nation at Lake Eyre in South Australia and Jacob Rumbiak (exiled Foreign Affairs Minister from the Federated Republic of Occupied West Papua) have announced a new action of creative resistance against the apartheid of colonisation and destruction caused by multinational mining companies on Indigenous land in Australia and West Papua.

The Lake Eyre to West Papua Freedom Flotilla is a journey that hopes to reunite the history and peoples of a land that was once geographically and culturally connected.

We were one people, we still are one people, we must uphold our cultural connection, the old land is calling us, proclaimed Uncle Kev, Arabunna Elder.

We have a responsibility to care for our brothers and sisters from across the water. We must bring the water and the fire, the love and the music to heal the country and move in solidarity.

This action has been called and endorsed by Indigenous Elders from both Australia and West Papua and is being actively supported by a coalition of environmental and human rights activists, artists and musicians from all over Australia.

Jacob Rumbiak, exiled West Papuan Elder confirmed, We are one with this continent...Indigenous, Aboriginal, Torres Strait, Tasmania; we are one people.

Uncle Kev and Jacob Rumbiak have called on their friends and families of all nations to join them at the shores of Lake Eyre from July 20th-25th for a ceremony and music/arts Protestival to celebrate the survival of the old land and to stand strong.

The convoy intends to transport sacred water collected from the mound springs of Arabunna country while following the ancient song lines across Australia in a freedom ride from Lake Eyre to Cairns; reconnecting culturally and creatively with Aboriginal communities at Alice Springs, Tenant Creek and others on the way.

See the article here:

Freedom Flotilla: Lake Eyre to West Papua

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