Libertarian Party to hold state convention in Bellingham

BELLINGHAM - The city will host the 2013 convention of the Libertarian Party of Washington State, and attendance is free during the speeches of nationally prominent party figures.

Speakers include national vice presidential candidate Jim Gray, national party Executive Director Carla Howell, former state Supreme Court Judge Richard Sanders and Sumas Mayor Bob Bromley.

Rob Stratton, a member of the county Libertarian Party and the gun rights group Open Carry, will speak on the Second Amendment, according to Jason Del Wraa, county party chairman.

Also scheduled to speak is Robin Koerner, Huffington Post blogger and the person who launched the Blue Republican campaign, which recruited liberals to join the GOP in 2012 to nominate Ron Paul.

The campaign reached Whatcom County, Del Wraa noted, as dozens of Paul supporters filed for Republican Party officer elections in May 2012.

The party's business meeting is also free, although participants must be approved members to vote. The state Libertarians will elect its officers at the convention, which takes place Saturday, April 20, in Fox Hall at Hampton Inn, 1661 W. Bakerview Road.

Leaders at the convention will consider whether to allow the party to endorse candidates from other parties whose views align with the principles of libertarianism - limited government and personal and economic freedom.

Fees must be paid for lunch and the evening banquet. Early registration is encouraged, as rates will increase on Monday, April 1. Registration is also required for the free sessions. People can register and get more information at

Reach Ralph Schwartz at 360-715-2289 or Read his politics blog at or follow him on Twitter at @bhamheraldpolitics.

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Libertarian Party to hold state convention in Bellingham

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