NASA ‘s Mars Rover Curiosity Recovering from Computer Glitch

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity is on the road to recovery from last week's computer glitch and could be back in action as early as this weekend, mission officials say.

Curiosity went into a protective, minimal-activity "safe mode" last Thursday (Feb. 28) when its handlers swapped the rover over to its backup computer. They made this switch after noticing a problem with the flash memory on Curiosity's primary "A-side" computer.

But the rover's respite may be short-lived. Curiosity came out of safe mode Saturday (March 2) and began using its high-gain antenna again a day later, so the 1-ton robot may soon resume its quest to determine if Mars has ever been able to support microbial life.

"We're out of safe mode and are back with an operable high-gain antenna, which is one of the big steps in the recovery," said Curiosity project manager Richard Cook, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. [Curiosity Rover's Latest Amazing Mars Photos]

Cook cautioned, however, that much work remains to be done. Engineers are still configuring the rover's backup "B-side" computer for surface operations, an activity that should take another few days.

And the Curiosity team still isn't sure what caused the A-side glitch in the first place. They hope to turn the A-side computer on again Wednesday (March 6) or so to take a look, Cook said.

"We really can't tell [the cause of the problem] without turning it on and trying to read the memory locations that look like they were corrupted," Cook told

One possible cause is an impact by a high-energy charged particle called a cosmic ray. Curiosity's gear is radiation-tolerant, but that doesn't mean it's impervious to all such damage.

"We certainly have seen similar types of behavior in other pieces of memory on other missions as well as MSL," Cook said, referencing the official name of the Curiosity rover's $2.5 billion mission, the Mars Science Laboratory.

Cosmic-ray damage is usually transient, he added, so the problem on the A-side may disappear when the computer is cycled back on. Even if the glitch is more permanent, the rover team can probably still "map around it" and bring the A-side back up, giving Curiosity two functional computer systems once again.

See original here:

NASA 's Mars Rover Curiosity Recovering from Computer Glitch

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