International Space Station visible in ArkLaTex skies

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Updated: Thursday, February 28 2013 3:25 PM EST2013-02-28 20:25:25 GMT

Updated: Thursday, February 28 2013 2:21 PM EST2013-02-28 19:21:43 GMT

Updated: Thursday, February 28 2013 12:56 PM EST2013-02-28 17:56:27 GMT

The International Space Station (ISS) will pass through the skies overEast Texas and the ArkLaTexseveral times over the next few nights, with some viewings lasting up to six minutes each.

According to the KSLA StormTracker 12 Weather team, the skies will be clear over the next several nights, making it easy to spot the ISS in the darkening skies. Because of its large size (about the size of a football field), the ISS reflects a great deal of sunlight, making it visible in the darkening sky. It will look like a slow-moving airplane in the sky, although the light will be steady, not blinking like an airplane.

Thursday's viewing of the International Space Station will last from 7:36 p.m. until 7:40 p.m.,trackingthe west to thesouth. However, the station will only reach a maximum height of 20 degrees above the horizon.

The ISS can be seen Friday, March 1 at 6:44 p.m. and remain visible until 6:51. The space station will move from northwest to southeast and reach a maximum height of 41 degrees above the horizon.

For more information on the International Space Station passing over the United States, click here.

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International Space Station visible in ArkLaTex skies

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