NASA software update cuts communication to space station

Update: NASA's Johnson Space Center confirmed on Twitter that the station restored communication at about 11:30 a.m.

Previous story: The International Space Station lost communication with Houston's Mission Control on the ground Tuesday morning, NASA officials said.

Houston flight controllers were updating software onboard the station's flight computers at 8:45 a.m. when one of the station's data relay systems malfunctioned, according to an alert from NASA. Although a backup computer took over critical station functions from the primary computer, the station was not able to communicate with NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellites. According to a statement, Mission Control Houston was able to communicate with the crew as the space station flew over Russia ground stations before 10 a.m. The crew then connected to a backup computer and began restoring communications with Houston.

The Expedition 34 Commander Kevin Ford told controllers in Houston that the station was fine and the crew was doing well.

See original here:

NASA software update cuts communication to space station

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