Branstad proposes forgiving medical school debt to bring more doctors to Iowa

A budget proposal Gov. Terry Branstad made last month to attract more physicians to Iowas less populated areas by forgiving medical school debt is welcome news to longtime surgeon Dr. Phil Caropreso.

Caropreso, who practices in Keokuk in southeast Iowa, said such an offer might lure natives from rural parts of the state to work in their home communities without having to worry about making enough to pay off massive debts.

We need any help we can get and honestly in this time, financially theres a big need for money, said Caropreso, 66. If you come from a rural area, youre more likely to return and (it helps) if you sweeten the deal along the way.

Branstads plan, announced in January, responds to a persistent problem in Iowa, which ranked 40th for the ratio of doctors to residents, according to a 2011 report from the Association of American Medical Colleges. The report listed Iowa as having 6,300 doctors.

Neighboring states Wisconsin, Minnesota and Nebraska all ranked higher.

Citing his experience as president of a medical school, Branstad has proposed a series of reforms. He wants to spend $2 million annually to pay off student loans for up to 20 students who commit to working five years in a rural part of Iowa jobs that can often pay less than other physician positions. He wants to spend another $2 million a year to provide matching grants to hospitals to create more medical residencies. And he wants to revise rules governing medical lawsuits in Iowa, which he said will make the state a more attractive place to practice.

In his budget address, Branstad, who was president of Des Moines University, an osteopathic medical school, from 2003 to 2009, called these sensible reforms.

Christiane Mitchell, director of federal affairs for the Association of American Medical Colleges, said these were proven strategies to boost the number of doctors in a region. She noted that there is a national doctor shortage, which is expected to grow as physicians retire and the elderly population grows.

Its a clear indication the governor is very sensitive to this issue. I think Iowans should be really impressed that hes identified this, Mitchell said. Theres strong evidence at the federal level that loan forgiveness and putting more training programs in your state do help address state needs.

A key issue, according to Branstad, is keeping more of the doctors that train in Iowa at Des Moines University or the University of Iowa. The state ranks 39th for retaining doctors who went to medical school in Iowa. Branstad said the state must increase doctor residency positions.

Original post:

Branstad proposes forgiving medical school debt to bring more doctors to Iowa

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