Freedom Frolics is alive, well in Sun City Center

By TBO.COM | Staff Published: February 19, 2013 Updated: February 20, 2013 - 12:30 PM

Last April when the final bow was taken and the curtains closed on Freedom Frolics XX, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Atrium," emotions ran high, which was normal for the end of any stage show.

Mixed with the elation of having enjoyed or been a part of that successful production, there was, however, a note of sadness. That show was to be the very last Freedom Frolics.

It had been decided that perhaps after 20 years and 20 shows, the Frolics had run its course and it might be time for something different.

The decision accepted, although with regret, residents went on to other pleasurable pursuits. There was a Caribbean cruise, a tour of Florida wineries, Oktoberfest, myriad special events and several major stage entertainments, not to mention all the festivities connected to Freedom Plaza's grand 20th anniversary celebration.

Then the holiday season arrived with its wealth of delightful diversions, and the demise of Freedom Frolics was no longer a prime topic of conversation.

Suddenly it was January, the month when, always before, an invitation went out to all residents who wanted to be a part of the upcoming Freedom Frolics to attend the initial meeting. The title of the show would be announced and interest would begin to build.

The woodworkers and artists would accept, with excitement, the challenge of creating a set; the seamstresses would start saving coupons to buy fabric for costumes. In February the cast would be selected and scripts distributed. By March, nightly rehearsals would be under way for 30 to 40 enthusiastic frolickers. An equal number of residents would be deeply, and happily, involved in various support projects.

But that was before. This year, without a Freedom Frolics on the horizon, without all the hustle and bustle associated with the show, things just didn't seem right. Residents, in numbers, began to request that the end of the Frolics be reconsidered, at least for one more show. Always sensitive to resident satisfaction issues, management listened.

Two weeks ago, after much deliberation, the announcement was made: Freedom Frolics XI will be staged in September to correspond with Freedom Plaza's 21st anniversary.

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Freedom Frolics is alive, well in Sun City Center

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