Genetically engineered human cosplay hair – Video

14-03-2012 22:24 I am actually here to get everybody to live much longer. Japanese yogurt LKM512 doubles lab mammal life. I have not tried it, Do not know what it tastes like yet there is a yogurt from Japan published at the peer reviwed journal PLoS one that more than doubles the lifespan of mice. Its possible the yogurt scientist made a drawn manga comic at youtube that perhaps people here would appreciate. I strongly support longevity to immortality research sometimes writing at as treonsverdery all the kawaii made me super sympathetic to cosplayers Any humans or humanoids that dress up as creatures might have fun at conventions carrying around the yogurt that makes mice live twice as long. New hair colors Genetically engineering peoples hair to be different colors might be cosplay. anyway there is a medical journal article at called Nonviral in situ green fluorescent protein labeling and culture of primary, adult human hair follicle epithelial progenitor cells. Im not linked to the author or anything, I just thought that people here might like being genetically modified organisms. phycobilins are ocean colors that can also be made a part of genetic engineering actual cosplayer is verykindwhitecat visit her video at

Genetically engineered human cosplay hair - Video

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