Stem Cell Therapy for Moderate Mental Retardation with Behavioural Issues – Video

Stem Cell Therapy for Moderate Mental Retardation with Behavioural Issues
She is a known case of Mental Retardation with history of full term normal delivery, but mother had malaria during pregnancy. She had delayed motor milestones but achieved. She had delay mainly in speech. So she was tested and diagnosed to have MR. Gradually, she developed abnormal behavior and hyperactivity. Neurologically, she has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: She is hyperactive. She has poor social interaction and poor social skills. She has poor attention span. She has aggressive behavior. She is unable to read and write, but goes to a special school. She is unable to follow commands and has delayed speech. She needs assistance in all ADL. After Stem Cell Therapy OT assessment: 1) Hyperactivity has reduced by 30-40%. Now she can sit at one place if activity is of interest for 1-2 hours. She has calmed down a lot. 2) Attention and concentration has improved. Now she follows commands or instructions given. Does not need repetitions. 3) Concepts have improved, recognizes objects, matching colours, alphabets, numbers. 4) Speech is clearer and responses are relevant to questions asked. She sometimes still has repetitive speech or speaks sentences not appropriate to the present situations. 5) Aggressive behaviours have decreased. Initially the first month after SCT -- she showed increased aggressiveness towards younger brother. She would beat her brother for no reason. That slowly reduced. Now rarely does it (only when very angry). 6 ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Stem Cell Therapy for Moderate Mental Retardation with Behavioural Issues - Video

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