Media for Liberty Award Extends Deadline


Liberty Media Corporation (Nasdaq: LMCA, LMCB) has extended the deadline for entries for the 4th annual Media for Liberty Award to January 16, 2013. All eligible works must be received by Liberty Media no later than January 16, 2013. There is a $50,000 prize for the winning entry.

The Media for Liberty Award recognizes media contributions that explore the link between economic and political liberty. Works must be originally published or broadcast via print or electronic media during the 2012 calendar year.

The Award is open to journalists worldwide whose original works bring new insights on societal issues, news events, economies, political structures and cultures that illustrate prosperity or struggle in pursuit of a free market environment and civil liberties uninfluenced by government agenda.

Submitted works will be reviewed by a jury panel and evaluated based on the degree to which the theme is addressed, inspirational and educational value, relevance to the public discourse, and mastery of media format.

Past honorees include 60 Minutes, The Atlantic, and MediaStorm.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, television and websites, must be generally recognized in their markets and accessible to a broad audience in the United States.

The winner will be notified in February 2013. An awards ceremony will be held in the Spring of 2013 in Washington, D.C.

Entry forms, Official Contest Rules and judging criteria can be found at Liberty Media's web site, or on Facebook. Entries should be sent to:

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Media for Liberty Award Extends Deadline

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