July 1, 2012 Kazakhstan_ISS crew successfully returns to Earth – Video

July 1, 2012 Kazakhstan_ISS crew successfully returns to Earth
A Soyuz TMA-03M reentry capsule with three members of the International Space Station (ISS) crew landed safely in Kazakhstan on Sunday. The commander of the crew Oleg Kononenko and his two colleagues, American Donald Pettit and Dutchman Andre Kuipers, have spent more than six months in orbit and fulfilled their space mission. Russian space agency Roscosmos reports that all members of the crew are feeling well and there were no incidents during the landing. The Great Day of Annihilation http://www.facebook.comFrom:Felonious VendettaViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:42More inNews Politics


July 1, 2012 Kazakhstan_ISS crew successfully returns to Earth - Video

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