July 1, 2012 Earth Orbit_Soyuz spacecraft undocks from ISS to head home – Video

July 1, 2012 Earth Orbit_Soyuz spacecraft undocks from ISS to head home
A Soyuz space carrier, which docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on Sunday morning, has now undocked and is heading for Earth. It picked up three of six crew members from the station. The crew on board the Soyuz, headed by Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, passed the baton onto the next ISS commander Russian Genady Padalka and his team -- Sergey Revin also from Russia and Joseph Acaba from the US. Kononenko and his two colleagues, American Donald Pettit and Dutchman Andre Kuipers, have spent more than six months in orbit and have fulfilled their space mission. The Soyuz carrier is expected to land back on Earth at 12:15 Moscow time on Sunday. The Great Day of Annihilation http://www.facebook.comFrom:Felonious VendettaViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:10More inNews Politics

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July 1, 2012 Earth Orbit_Soyuz spacecraft undocks from ISS to head home - Video

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