A 65 years old woman with nonspesific symptoms admitted to the #304;nternal medicine department. Physical examination revealed an epigastric mass. Ultrasonography demonstrated a 18x14x11 cm cyst in the left lobe of the liver. CT demostrated the same cyst with the signs of hydatic cyst. Fig1 The result of Elisa was 1/640 positive. #304;n the thirteenth day of the hospitalisation a hypotansion and syncop occured and spontaneously regulated only with ringer lactat infusion. The MRI on the next day of the syncope demostrated that the cyst had perforated.Fig2 While the surgical consultation on the same day she had tenderness on the upper quadrants, vomiting and 14.800/mm white blood cell count. Other hematological and biochemical tests were within normal limits. These findings suggested an hydatid cyst rupture. Emergency laparoscopy was performed.Two drains put into subdiaphragmatic and douglas regions. Drain fluids are dedected microscopically for viable scolecs and when all of them were negative. Albendazole was prescribed in order of 10 mg/kg, to prevent recurrence on the second day postoperatively. On 9th day postoperatively control USG demostrated that cyst totally collapsed and 100 cc fluid at douglas. Douglas punctioned and sample dedected microscopically for viable scolecs and result was negative. Postoperative period was uneventful and the patient was discharged on tenth day. Albendazole used for 6 months post-treatment prophylaxis. Questions Answers Q: Why did not a ...From:srgconsultViews:2540 0ratingsTime:23:23More inEducation

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