I-Ching 2012 – End Of The World 2012? – Video

I-Ching 2012 - End Of The World 2012?
10000 years ago humans began domesticating plants and animals. 500 years ago we invented the printing press. 100 years ago we began driving automobiles. 50 years ago we invented the computer. 30 years ago we landed on the moon. The speed of change is rapid. Population, computing power, speed of transport, the sheer amount of known information, and most other things that involve humans, are all increasing at an accelerating rate. The rate at which they are increasing is increasing. We are all part of it, with younger people thinking nothing of it, and the elderly commenting on it, but generally handling it okay. But if we were to transport King Arthur to modern-day New York he #39;d most probably pass out from trying to grasp what was happening. But can it stop, slow down or reverse. No, for that is not in our nature. Things will keep changing at a faster rate. Every 18 months the power of computers double. Soon they will be smarter than us, and we are already on the verge of cloning humans and close to using nanotechnology to create atomic size mini-machines. Maybe there will come a time when the rate of change will reach such a speed that change is all that will exist. Various fringe scientists have tried to calculate this point of infinity, giving us calculated dates ranging from 2010 to 2050. Dates that many of us will live to see. Perhaps the date is Dec 22, 2012. Ethnobotanists and fractal time experts Terrence and Dennis McKenna believe so, and they present their ideas ...From:TheRAGrimesViews:7 1ratingsTime:03:55More inNews Politics


I-Ching 2012 - End Of The World 2012? - Video

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