Lexon’s New Gadgets Brought To You By Corn, Bamboo, and the Sun [Green]

Lexon recently announced a new line of sustainably powered gadgets that are decidedly down to Earth. That is, they're made from bamboo and maize bio-plastics. And let me tell you, corn has never looked better.

If you're in the market for a new calculator, alarm clock, or FM radio, why wouldn't you want it to be made from corn and bamboo? Especially when it looks this handsome.

Not only are the devices made with sustainable materials, they're powered sustainably too: the clocks grab up energy from the sun and the radio has a fold-out crank to get its juice. From the looks of things, that radio doubles as a portable speaker for MP3 players and the like. Just don't bring it around any pandas. [Core77]

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