God Deeds Mindset 4c – Video

God Deeds Mindset 4c
Audio only, continued from 4b. How the spiritually-mature Christian is wholly focused on God. Immaturity=me-ness, body-definitions of #39;spirituality #39;. Maturity=He-ness, thought-definitions of spirituality, since His Thinking was what paid for sins on the Cross, Isaiah 53:11. Notice it #39;s a standard change, not a practice change. The body will always be glitchy and sin, Romans 7-8. So maturity is what you LEARN, not what you think you earn, Romans 4, Eph4:12-13. You only take what you LEARN, to heaven, Philippians 3:18-19, 1Cor3. So your reward is based on what you LEARNED, ibid and 2 Tim4:7-8. For what you learned, was the THINKING of Christ, 1Cor2:16, so every thought being brought into captivity is your STANDARD, 2Cor10:5. Spirituality is a change of STANDARD, not a practice. You practice the standard increasingly, but the tension will always be there and you #39;ll always fail, Romans 7. So the #39;test #39; is whether you QUIT and opt for the lower satanic standard of people and works, just as Adam did in the Garden, Genesis 3. PS at 10:20, I mention the tie between John 5 and following, and Matthew 16. The text is in the John passage, but the timing is indeed just before Matthew 16. Matthew 16:18 is Christ #39;s reply to Peter, but Peter said both things: #39;you have the words of God, where are we gonna go #39; in the John passage, followed by his confession that He is the Christ.From:brainoutyViews:4 1ratingsTime:20:47More inEducation

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God Deeds Mindset 4c - Video

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