gta episodes from liberty city ps3 – Video

gta episodes from liberty city ps3
we have done this to let you know that you can drift,do donuts and get cop chas here are some cheats. The Ballad of Gay Tony Weapon Pack Call 486-555-0100 for the following weapons: bull;Knife bull;Advanced Pistol bull;Explosion-Pellet Shotgun bull;Silenced P90 bull;LMG bull;Advanced Sniper bull;Grenade Launcher bull;Sticky Bombs Submitted by:IGN_Cheats Spawn Vehicles (Lost and the Damned) Take out your phone by tapping Up on the D-pad twice, then enter the number below for the desired vehicle: bull; 826-555-0150 - Burrito bull;245-555-0125 - Double T bull;245-555-0199 - Hakuchou bull;245-555-0150 - Hexer bull;245-555-0100 - Innovation bull;826-555-0100 - Slamvan bull;359-555-0100 - Annihilator bull;227-555-0100 - FIB Buffalo Submitted by:IGN_Cheats Adjust Your Wanted Level To get rid of Niko #39;s wanted level, insert the following number into your cell phone: (267)-555-0100. To add stars to Niko #39;s wanted level, insert this number instead: (267)-555-0150. Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements. Submitted by:IGN_Cheats All Secret Locations Head to the internet caf (or wherever you can access the internet) and insert the URL If inserted properly, you #39;ll be brought to an in-game message board containing maps of secret locations in the game. Check it out! Submitted by:IGN_Cheats Spawn Cars Any time you #39;re outside, break out your cell phone and insert the following phone numbers to unlock the vehicles listed. bull;Annihilator (Helicopter) - (359)-555-0100 bull;Cognoscenti ...From:Connor CoulsonViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:49More inGaming

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