Richard Dawkins vs. Deniers of Human Evolution – Video

Richard Dawkins vs. Deniers of Human Evolution
"...that over the course of some 100000 years peoples separated by geographical barriers in different parts of the world evolved into ten different races with pronounced genetic differences in morphology, blood groups,and the incidence of genetic diseases, and yet have identical genotypes for intelligence, is so improbable that those who advance it must either be totally ignorant of the basic principles of evolutionary biology or else have a political agenda to deny the importance of race." -Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis (2006) Richard Dawkins on Eugenics mdash; 4/1/2012 Brainsize Intelligence - Crude analogy Richard Dawkins Compares Creationism to Holocaust Denial The Ancestor #39;s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution libertarianrealist.blogspot.comFrom:LibertarianRealist2Views:150 62ratingsTime:13:35More inScience Technology

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