"New Inmates", Episode 33 of Journey Into Space – Video

"New Inmates", Episode 33 of Journey Into Space
"He was turned all green in the great radiation beam when he traveled space for the future of the Kerbal race. Nobody wants him, He just stares at Kerbin Planning his vengeance, It #39;s destruction soon will begin..." (with apologies to Black Sabbath) πŸ˜‰ No one knows exactly how the Kerbal Space Center comes by their astronauts. Perhaps they are idealistic young men/women/things who believe in a bright Kerbal future in space. Perhaps they are dangerous criminals that society no longer wants on Kerbin. Perhaps they are poor unfortunates whose number comes up in a lottery, conscripts who are sacrificed for the future of Kerbalkind. Sort of like a spacefaring version of The Hunger Games. πŸ˜‰ Whatever the truth of the matter, the fact is that most of those who go up to the new Interkerbin Space Station aren #39;t gonna come back to Kerbin. Some will head off to the planets on the next interplanetary mission. Some might move their locale to a moon base some day. And some might just spin around the planet until they die of old age, radiation sickness or unexpected drastic decompression. In this episode, we add a couple bits to the station, and add a whole bunch of new fresh faces by launching a passenger rocket with 3 crew and 4 passengers. Since the landing of that passenger rocket proves somewhat iffy for the passenger section, it appears that we might not be able to get them back safely even if we wanted to. Which, we don #39;t. Welcome to space. πŸ˜‰ ******************* Bottle Ships ...From:Robert DoddViews:21 3ratingsTime:01:35:04More inEntertainment

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"New Inmates", Episode 33 of Journey Into Space - Video

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