LGBT Fed Strategic Planning and Diversity Workshop – Video

LGBT Fed Strategic Planning and Diversity Workshop
DOD FED GLOBE is a 501C3 nonprofit. That advocates for and educates about all LGBT employees past and present and service members, civil servants, and aligned corporations to the Department of Defense. Participants speak based on their own opine and it is not their intent to reflect the views of their employeer the Federal government and or commercial entities. On the second day of the Out and Equal Summit federal employees again got together for strategic planning and how to educate within their organization about diversity. DOD FED GLOBE Executive Director Lisa Kove taught the equality strategic planning workshop on the fly. The people that were supposed to teach the workshop were unable to make the summit due to the hurricane Sandy that hit the east coast that week. To join DOD FED GLOBE in educating the public about the need for LGBT equality associated with the DOD go to and sign on. Equality strategic planning in federal government will look at goals in educating the organization and the internal equality activists. Implementation of pro equality policies and laws. Having pro equality laws and policies that are not taught and or implemented do not provide direct benefit. Also a non federal employee but long time equality activist Elizabeth Birch spoke about her role in the DADT Repeal process. NASA #39;s speaker also emphasized the challenges for those organizations that are away from Washington DC and explained how they started marching in ...From:DODFEDGLOBEViews:5 0ratingsTime:51:22More inNonprofits Activism

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LGBT Fed Strategic Planning and Diversity Workshop - Video

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