THE CORRECT VIEWS 11 26 2012 Agenda 21 and THE POSSESSION Movie – Video

THE CORRECT VIEWS 11 26 2012 Agenda 21 and THE POSSESSION Movie
Greetings Unsettled Souls, Many of you may know that I am a horror movie buff, a real fan of the genre to say the absolute least. I am not at all one of those ppl who get off on beholding things like "Faces of Death" or any REAL ppl dying, that to me seems rather disgusting. However, acting and horror as a genre is something that I enjoy on a regular basis. So, I go THE POSSESSION (2011) and I was also disgusted to see what Agenda 21 garbage was put forth as "Good" and that the little girl in the movie is "normal and sweet" as can be proved by her praise of not eating meat on Monday just like The NWO Eugenics killers WANT her to think. This inspired me to do a whole piece on AGENDA 21 and why Agenda 21 is Agenda 666! SamFrom:TheCorrectViewsViews:6 3ratingsTime:12:27More inNews Politics

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THE CORRECT VIEWS 11 26 2012 Agenda 21 and THE POSSESSION Movie - Video

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