OBB MedTalk – Video

OBB MedTalk
MEDTALK Tuesdays, 10:00 to 10:30 PM Hosted by Angel Jacob "MedTalk" is a weekly, late-night on-air medical consultation program which covers a variety of medical and health topics, providing information and action tools to help people take control of their health. Esteemed medical doctors serve as panelists who will tackle a medical or health issue every week, like universal health care, heart disease and lung cancer, to name a few, providing their unique insights and advice. The medical experts take raw health care information, break it down and process it in an understandable format for the viewers. There will be on-air consultation from viewers via the program #39;s social media portals, email, SMS and phone lines. A case study will also be featured in each episode. There will be regular 2-minuter segments within the program: "HEALTH CAPSULES" -- Medical facts, trivia, medical breakthroughs, modern medical procedures. "SECOND OPINION" -- Understanding what you hear on the news, read in the paper and see on the Internet about science, medicine and your health. Are you confused about the issues surrounding cancer, diabetes, aging and sleep? It #39;s really hard to sort out the truth. Listen to real experts in all fields of science and medicine debate the top medical news alerts.From:andrefiguracionViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:31More inNews Politics

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OBB MedTalk - Video

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