Side by side planes……One with apparent contrail and one with CHEMTRAIL….REAL NOW – Video

Side by side planes......One with apparent contrail and one with CHEMTRAIL....REAL NOW
22/Nov/ modification is operating continuously now. are TRAITORS.....why is there a difference in the trails? ...I am fed up with the dis-info agents= scum bags.....The big boys behind the elite are pushing ahead...buying weather companies, operating seeding companies, trading weather commodities, controlling food costs and production all over the world. Extending the famines and sufferings to their all ready existing Eugenics and Bioethics programs. Mass sterilization is happening throughout the world, not just by petro-chemical food production and GMO frankenstein creations, not only through exposure from electro~magnetic micro-wave radiation from HD TV, Mobile phone /towers, Wifi in homes and schools(3x plus than moby= tumur phone use) but also form CHEMTRAIL FALLOUT. Our governments and the shadow governments behind them are CONSTANT LIARS about many issues and are treasonous , corrupt and unfit. They are insane, deranged psychopaths, often war criminals and sometimes paedophiles. Why do we continue to subscribe to their illusion..?? It is a mass deception....we can change it.....only through finding the truth and waking up and sharing that shocking realization with everyone we can.....we have mental barriers developed into our minds by a manipulated culture and media predictive programming. we have to accept this and overcome all the isms that hold us back from uniting. The criminally insane elite, wishing to create a servitude system ...From:MrMaxBlissViews:4 2ratingsTime:00:54More inNonprofits Activism

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Side by side planes......One with apparent contrail and one with CHEMTRAIL....REAL NOW - Video

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