Science Is Now Entering Into Zone Of Spirituality – says His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda

"Science belongs to Outer Space," says His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda on November 10th, to a large group of seekers who had gathered in Paris France, to hear him demystifying the age old questions and concepts about the difference between science & spirituality.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 15, 2012

"Science is a system of thinking which demystifies and makes everyone understand the experiences of the outer world. Spirituality is the system of experiencing and demystifying all the experiences and happenings of the inner world."

Paramahamsa Nithyananda said, that science can never match up with spirituality because of the space gap. He said, "The gap between science and spirituality is not just in time, it is in space. Spirituality belongs to outer space.

Now in 2012 we are in unique position where the tangible experience of science almost entering into the spiritual zone and the border between energy and matter dissolving is becoming a reality . Humanity is facing a unique situation where science is just throwing its hands up and openly admitting that there are infinite questions which are unanswered.

Spirituality has more ability than science to answer more questions and quench the thirst of human beings. Enlightened beings are spiritual beings who are able to transmit experiences of much larger and deeper level depths with more clarity, larger understandings and higher realizations than any modern science and scientists. One can also easily find that even the truths which the scientists have declared about the god particles are just simple truths that were revealed ten thousand years ago in the Upanishads.

Upanishads present the highest truths of the Universe in a strong experiential way.

I tell you, till 2011 we had two departments, science and spirituality. Now especially after the God particle discovery, we have only one thing, Spirituality, which has 2 departments, outer science and inner science. Science is relaxing into spirituality.

Only when we bring the ultimate sense which is the right cognition, the right way of taking cognizance, life gives answers to all our questions. We need to know the basic truth that just the facts and data collected with the five senses and the conclusions derived by them will not be ultimate, it will not be perfect.

In the life, four things are important, the idea one has about one's self, the idea about God, the idea one has about nature and the idea one has about human society. Unfortunately science is able to handle only our ideas about nature and human society, but that is not enough, human beings need right ideas about one's self and God. Spirituality is able to handle all the four and give us the right understanding.

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Science Is Now Entering Into Zone Of Spirituality - says His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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