DNA2.0 Teams Up With Penn's Gene Therapy Program on Optimizing Gene Expression for HIV-1 Vaccine

DNA2.0, the leading bioengineering solutions provider, today announced a collaboration with the Gene Therapy Program at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, to evaluate the impact of gene optimization on in vivo protein expression.

Menlo Park, CA (PRWEB) November 14, 2012

Understanding the gene preferences of differentiated tissues is critical to maximize the efficacy of gene therapies. The Gene Therapy Program, under the direction of James M. Wilson, MD, PhD, professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, focuses on developing effective gene transfer vectors derived from recombinant viruses and their application in the treatment of a variety of acquired and inherited diseases. Much of the program's current effort is in the development and optimization of new adeno-associated virus vectors.

Gene optimization is a viable and under-appreciated method to improve transgene expression in gene therapy, and we are excited to evaluate the technology of DNA2.0 in our vector systems, said Dr. Wilson.

DNA2.0s technology concentrates on the influence of gene design on expression in mammalian cell lines. However, the gene preferences of tissues in vivo may be distinct from cultured production cell lines and may differ between different target tissue.

Dr. Wilsons vaccine research team is a member of the Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD), an international network of scientists and experts dedicated to designing a variety of novel HIV vaccine candidates and advancing the most promising candidates to clinical trials. CAVD is funded by grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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DNA2.0 Teams Up With Penn's Gene Therapy Program on Optimizing Gene Expression for HIV-1 Vaccine

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