Jerry Lang explains how the MPG-Cap Works. – Video

Jerry Lang explains how the MPG-Cap Works.
Buy here or join us, we can do business together! The MPG-CAP trade; is a revolutionary combustion chamber treatment that increases fuel economy and reduces harmful exhaust emissions. MPG-CAPS trade; consist of 100% active ingredients , with no dilutents or ?llers, and are safe to use and handle. They are manufactured as a convenient, easy to use, solid caplet which you simply drop in your fuel tank prior to ?ll-up. Emissions testing with the use of MPG-CAPS trade; has shown reductions of smog producing emissions such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. These emissions are harmful to the earth #39;s atmosphere and contribute to global warming. The benefits of using MPG-CAPS Improved fuel economy and increased power Protection of valves and reduction of carbon buildup Reduction of greenhouse gases Elimination of ping and dieseling Increased octane in lower grade fuels Prolonged life of spark plugs, glow plugs and valves For use in all gasoline and diesel powered engines Cars Trucks Boats Motor homes Generators Motorcycles Heavy equipment, and more! MPG-BOOST trade; Combustion chamber catalyst Using the same revolutionary technology as the MPG-CAPS trade;, MPG-BOOST trade; is an engine combustion chamber treatment in liquid form that increases fuel economy and reduces the amount of harmful emissions released into the environment. MPG-BOOST trade; utilizes a unique combustion catalyst developed from aerospace technology that offers a maximum performance. This catalyst, which is found ...From:pozitivZnegativPViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:25More inAutos Vehicles


Jerry Lang explains how the MPG-Cap Works. - Video

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