Magical manifestations

Magical manifestations great meaning
Deers represent grace come from the fairie realm more here ~ Deer Symbolism When we encounter the deer in the wild, our breath catches - we are transfixed by their graceful features and delicate movements. The tender beauty of these beasts has not gone unnoticed by our ancestors. The deer is linked to the arts, specifically poetry and music in ancient Celtic animal lore due to its graceful form. The Celts also believed that deer were associated with the fairie realm, and would lead troops of fairies - hundreds of them trailing behind them as the stag cut a path through the forest. Both Celts and Native Americans observed the deer to be savvy when it came to finding the best herbs. These earth-bound peoples would follow the deer to prime herb patches - many of which proved to be highly beneficial in their medicinal purposes. A quick-list of animal symbolism of the deer include: Love Grace Peace Beauty Fertility Humility Swiftness Regrowth Creativity Spirituality Abundance Benevolence Watchfulness How does this translate into our own life experience? Just as the deer has an uncanny sense of where to find the green freshness earth provides, we can ask the deer within ourselves to seek out our inner treasures. In meditation or day dream, go on a spiritual hike with the deer. See yourself walking in the woods with the deer leading you into amazing depths within your soul. Each step you and the deer take will lead you deeper into your spiritual knowing, and to limitless ...From:Liz GreenViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inPeople Blogs

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Magical manifestations

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