Pac-Man played by an AI agent (CS188.1x) – Video

Pac-Man played by an AI agent (CS188.1x)
This is my Pac-Man agent, built for the final project of CS188.1x Artificial Intelligence, which ran Autumn 2012 on Pac-Man learns about the world through trial-and-error, reinforcing his beliefs each new encounter. 50 training runs were performed before Pac-Man was recorded. This code is the last part of CS188.1x Project 3, but with enhanced features to make Pac-Man eat capsules and chase ghosts! The full CS188 Pac-Man code can be found at: Music by KI:Theory, used with kind permission.From:Morphics ZeroViews:6 3ratingsTime:06:27More inEducation

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Pac-Man played by an AI agent (CS188.1x) - Video

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