Techno Frühstück – Correspondence of Heart and Beat – Video

Techno Frhstck - Correspondence of Heart and Beat
An old carbon train station in the middle of nowhere used to be a suitable asylum for the Techno Frhstck alliance. It was the right mood to melt down the latin traveling experiences of Sc Confoso, a dejaying quantum physicist, with the multi tool abilities of instrumentalist Moggele. Both teamed up to dig in deeper to the carbon soul of the old train station. They discovered a cute almost timid voice flying around the endless vains of the compound. It was the sound of the charming singing student Lisa and her book of thoughts. With the atmospheric forces of Lisa, Moggeles daring feats of nano engineering and the super carbonated brain of the physicist the three set out to find an old magician with an eerie beard. His name was Loca Bato and he actually was mad but he also was holding the key to the secret musicproduction studio located deep within this mysterious construction. After they managed to open the sonic compartment they got illuminated with knowledge of sound amongst other things. This made them all very hungry and they started a breakfast to get relief. So, since this is a german fairy tale the breakfast means Frhstck and here you get the punch line. soundcloud.comFrom:breyselViews:692 8ratingsTime:04:18More inMusic

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Techno Frühstück - Correspondence of Heart and Beat - Video

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