Gene therapy procedure announced in Oregon could curb hereditary diseases, raise ethical questions

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University say they have perfected a new gene therapy that could block the transmission of many inherited diseases from mother to child.

But the procedure could raise new ethical questions over genetically engineering offspring.

Already tested in monkeys, the technique replaces defective genetic material in a mother's egg cells before it is fertilized and implanted in the womb. In the new study, published in the journal Nature, researchers used 106 human egg cells obtained from volunteers.

If proven safe, the technique could be used to eliminate genetic dispositions toward diabetes, deafness and eye disorders, along with dementia, heart disease and neuropathy.

It would also give scientists the power to, for the first time, permanently alter the genetic material of future generations.

OHSU is already discussing the potential for human clinical trials with federal regulators, according to Shoukrat Mitalipov, the lead researcher.

Stay tuned for a fuller account later today.

-- Nick Budnick:

Twitter @nickbudnick

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Gene therapy procedure announced in Oregon could curb hereditary diseases, raise ethical questions

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