He hated Jews: Pakistani man, Seattle Shooter of Jewish Center sentenced to Life

by Eric Dondero

In the afternoon of July 26, 2006, Naveed Haq of Pakistan burst into the Seattle Jewish Community Center screaming "Allahu-Ahkbar," and "Death to all Jews." He shot six woman, including the receptionist at the entrance and a pregnant woman. He chased one victim up a flight of stairs shouting: "I hate Jews. You're a Jew. I'm going to kill you. Allahu-Ahkbar."

When it was all over 1 Jewish woman lay dead.

Nationally, it was a one day story. The country was in the midst of Iraq War fatigue. And a crazed radical Muslim man killing Jewish women in the heart of downtown Seattle, didn't fit the politically correct media template. The Seattle media especially jumped through hoops to downplay any Jihadist links.

Yesterday, Haq was sentenced to life in prison in a Seattle courtroom. From the Seattle Times:

Several of the surviving victims and their relatives addressed the court before the sentencing and recounted how the July 26, 2006, shootings indelibly scarred their lives. Haq looked downward as they spoke.

Nicole Waechter, daughter of Pamela Waechter, who was slain in the attack, spoke of how her mother would want her family to react to the attack.

"She would tell us to keep going, not to dwell on this tragedy," she said through tears. "My mom lives on in many of us."

Cheryl Stumbo, 46, who still suffers from the gunshot wound in her abdomen, spoke forcefully, telling Haq "you will spend the rest of your life paying for your choices."

Now, nearly 3 years later, we can see a pattern. Haq was just the first in a long line of radical Islamist terrorists within our borders: Najibullah, the Dallas skyscraper bomber, the Chicago Six, the Arkansas Military Recruiting station shooter, and of course Major Nidal Malik Hassan.

How many more Haqs, Najibullahs, and Hassans will it take before the country wakes up to the extreme threat we face to our personal liberties and securities within our own borders, from these Radical Islamists?

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