Letters: school assessment, clean beaches, medical pot and more

A half-full result for countys schools

In response to County schools get dueling report cards (Oct. 12): Even though we are moving in the right direction in terms of the Academic Performance Index Of San Diego Countys 743 schools, 57 percent earned a minimum API score of 800 that still means that 43 percent are below the target. We have lots more work to do.

The U-T encourages community dialogue on important public matters and welcomes letters to the editor. To enable us to publish as many letters as possible, please be aware that lengthy letters might reduce the chances for publication. All letters are subject to editing for accuracy, space, grammar, clarity or other reasons. It is our policy to publish letters supporting or opposing a particular issue in a ratio reflecting the number received on each side. Letters must include a full name, community of residence and a daytime telephone number, though the phone number will not be published.

Furthermore, I was troubled by the two pictures taken at Standley Middle School. On the front page of the paper a teacher is shown gazing over the shoulders of two students while holding her cup of coffee. The second picture, on Page A10 shows the American flag hanging at equal height and alongside the Canadian and another flag. Linda Parker, Kensington

[Thursday] was the first day of rain in some time in our city, and a visit to our coast, particularly a beach where the sewer meets the surf, would have provided the visitor with a disgusting odor, creating almost a gag reaction. Its clear why our waters are unsafe to be in for days if not weeks after a rain.

This really has to change.

Our city has a long list of needs, far longer then our present political candidates and office holders are willing to address. While our present, mayoral candidates argue over whether to use our growing hotel tax (TOT) for better pensions or a larger convention center, here is hoping that the people of San Diego will demand [the TOT] be used to clean our beaches and bays, making them safe for our families and our tourists. Peter Q. Davis, La Jolla

Jan Goldsmiths commentary (Legalizing medical marijuana properly, Opinion, Oct. 11) is skewered with misleading facts and a looks good on paper federal solution to pot by requiring weed be sold to only people who are dying. Really? What about the 5,000-plus remainder of us who arent seriously ill or hospice bound? Do you think the 5,000-plus are going to stop smoking weed? Or will they revert back to the past of the street distribution network?

How could someone with an education in law enforcement and politics be so obtuse and I mean imperceptive? Really. His is no solution. There will still be have and have-nots with marijuana. Nothing will change, except crime will go up. Kirk Perry, Cardiff

It was disturbing to read Mistaken identity, friendly fire in border agents death (Oct. 8). It said that a sensor was set off and that officers responded from different sides. One officer shot the other, and the other officer killed him.

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Letters: school assessment, clean beaches, medical pot and more

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