Libertarian Dymowski offers alternative in House race

Dundalkian is nominee of Libertarian Party

by Ben Boehl

Dundalks Leo Dymowski wants to go to Washington as the 2nd Districts next representative in Congress. While his chances are remote, the 55-year-old Stanbrook resident is on the ballot as a member of the Libertarian Party and has the backing of the Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson. He will be facing Democratic Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger and Republican Nancy Jacobs and believes there isnt much difference between Democrats and Republicans. Im running to give more people a choice, Dymowski said. I want to be able to give people an option away from both parties. Dymowski said that some of the key differences between him and the major-party candidates are that he doesnt believe in giving foreign aid, wants to repeal the Patriot Act and wants Congress to audit the Federal Reserve. According to Dymow-ski, he doesnt believe the country needs to still have a military presence in Germany, since World War II has been over for 65 years, and he doesnt want the United States to remain as the worlds policeman. Eighty percent of the people are against foreign aid and 80 percent of the politicians are for it. Dymowski added that he gets a positive response when he speaks to voters about the repeal of the Patriot Act and elimination of the Transportation Security Administration.

I dont support the Patriot Act. There is nothing patriotic about it, he said. Libertarians have opposed the Patriot Act and similar national security measures as unwarranted intrusions on citizens rights and expansion of government power. Dymowski has been critical of the fact that Congress wont approve a measure to audit the Federal Reserve System, and he feels that too much money is being spent by the government, but there is no accountability. A lot of Dymowskis agenda might sound familiar, as he agrees with the platform of former Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Dymowski ran for office in 1978 as a Democrat and again in 1991 as a Republican, but said Paul inspires him. Ron Pauls ideas appeal to me. Thats what got me to become a Libertarian. Paul was the Libertarian Partys nominee for president in 1988. Dymowski also claimed that Ruppersberger caters to special interest groups, starting when he was Baltimore county executive from 1994 to 2002, pointing to how Ruppersberger used the power of eminent domain to take land away from residents in the Essex-Middle River area in a deal widely alleged to have benefited developers. Dymowski believes that Ruppersberger hasnt changed and now only listens to the leaders of his Democratic Party. Instead of showing leadership and independence, Dutch does what he is told. He has gone along with Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership nearly 100 percent of the time, whether its voting for Obamacare or sending our sons to war. Dymowski has met Jacobs at a few functions, but doesnt approve of her and the Republicans stance on defense. We had a few debates, and I respect her because Dutch didnt attend, but she doesnt think we should cut the military at all, Dymowski said.

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Libertarian Dymowski offers alternative in House race

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