Report: Many Oklahomans would lose health care under Romney plan

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The results and methods of the report from Families USA are sharply disputed by Romney supporters.

The report shows that under plans advocated by Romney:

Avik Roy, a blogger for Forbes and an outside health policy adviser to the Romney campaign, said the Families USA report inaccurately portrays Romney's position and is "basically worthless" because of its high number of factual and analytical errors.

The report inaccurately portrays how Romney's tax deductions for health-care coverage would work, doesn't disclose that one of its authors' research shows that President Barack Obama's plan would lead to higher insurance premiums, doesn't consider how Romney's plan might impact premiums, dishonestly reports how the Obama plan would impact Medicare, and doesn't account for tax increases or Medicare cuts in the Obama plan, Roy wrote.

"Perhaps Families USA believes that Obamacare was paid for by magic unicorns in the state," he wrote.

Although the plan analyzed by Families USA doesn't accurately portray Romney's position, Roy wrote, it does somewhat correspond to a plan once offered by President George W. Bush.

A previous report from the nonpartisan Lewin Group shows that the Bush plan would not result in any new government spending but would reduce the number of uninsured Americans by 9.2 million - an unexplained discrepancy of 20 million people from the Families USA report, Roy said.

One of the authors of the Families USA report said it does not account for some policies discussed by Romney, such as freeing the sale of health-insurance policies across state lines and expanding state high-risk pools.

Jonathan Gruber, a co-author of the report, said those plans were not built into the calculations because Romney hasn't offered enough details for their impact to be estimated.

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Report: Many Oklahomans would lose health care under Romney plan

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