Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks at UNLV


There is another candidate for president on the ballot in Nevada. Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson had wanted to secure the Republican nomination, but is now running as the Libertarian candidate.

On Tuesday, he spoke on the campus of University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).

Speaking before a few dozen people, Johnson ran down a wide range of topics.

"I am the only candidate that doesn't want to bomb Iran," Johnson said.

"Marijuana is safer than alcohol," he added.

A recent CNN poll indicated about 4 percent of registered voters said they will vote for Johnson. With the race between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney so close, Johnson could play the role of spoiler.

"If I spoiled the election for Romney, he has one person to blame for that that would be himself. I get the statement, wasting your vote. I think wasting your vote is voting for someone you don't believe in," Johnson said.

Libertarian supporters at UNLV said Obama and Romney are just too much alike.

"They have the same sponsors, they have the same issues. Romney is the one who (provided) the idea of Obamacare in the first place," said student Adrienne Braganza.

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Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks at UNLV

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