Possible new Libertarian Party leader speaks at UT

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Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is on the ballot in 47 States as a Libertarian candidate for president.

Johnson's speech brought a young crowd to UT's Hogg auditorium. His visit comes a few months after Ron Paul drew hundreds to the same spot.

With Paul stepping down, many are describing this as a passing of the torch for the Libertarian Party.

"I have been given the opportunity. I am trying to make the most of it, and these are messages that are too important, Johnson said. We have a growing police state in this country, we find ourselves in continual war in this country, and we continue to have unsustainable debt and spending."

The former governor says the "broad brush" of values for a Libertarian is being socially accepting and fiscally responsible.

According to his own website, Johnson is pro-choice, anti-big government, pro-immigration and he is an outspoken critic of the war on drugs and favors legalizing marijuana.

This is his only stop in Texas, but he says Austin is a hub for forward-thinking politics. He heads to Berkley, California next.

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Possible new Libertarian Party leader speaks at UT

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