'Sore loser' law blocks libertarian candidate from appearing on Michigan ballot

The Libertarian Party struck out this week in a last ditch at tempt to qualify their presidential standard bearer, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, for the Michigan ballot when the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday declined to intervene.

Johnson was barred from appearing on the general election ballot by the states sore loser law, which prohibits a candidate who runs and loses in a primary election from later appearing under another party banner in the general.

Johnson finished dead last in a field of 11 candidates in the state GOP presidential primary in February.

Also rejected by the courts today was a back-up candidate proffered by the Libertarians, Gary E. Johnson, a resident of Texas. As state Elections Director Christopher Thomas told party officials no provision of Michigan election law authorizes a party to nominate a contingent or stand-in candidate.

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'Sore loser' law blocks libertarian candidate from appearing on Michigan ballot

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