Sennen Resources Ltd.: Liberty Silver's Hostile Bid Expires

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 13, 2012) - Sennen Resources Ltd. (SN.V) ("Sennen" and/or "the Company") reports that the hostile take-over bid offer (the "Offer") by Liberty Silver Corp. ("Liberty") to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company expired at 9:00 p.m. (EST) on Monday, September 10, 2012.

Pursuant to applicable securities legislation, Liberty is required to promptly issue a press release announcing either:

(i) that all terms and conditions of the Offer have been met or waived, together with the approximate number of shares deposited and the number of shares that will be taken up, or alternatively,

(ii) that it will not take up the deposited shares.

As of 11:00AM EST Thursday, September 13, Liberty has not yet issued such a press release.

Sennen Shareholders are reminded that they can withdraw Sennen shares previously tendered to the Offer:

(a) at any time before their Sennen shares have been taken up by Liberty pursuant to the Offer, or

(b) if their Sennen shares have not been paid for by Liberty within 3 business days after having been taken up by Liberty.

Sennen's Board of Directors recommends that any Sennen Shareholder who has tendered their Sennen shares to the Offer to withdraw those Sennen shares from the Offer. To withdraw Sennen shares previously tendered to the Offer, registered Sennen Shareholders simply need to complete and sign a Notice of Withdrawal, a copy of which has been mailed to each Sennen Shareholder together with the Company's Directors' Circular dated July 30, 2012 (the "Directors' Circular"), both of which are available under the Company's profile on SEDAR at The Sennen Shareholder must then deliver, mail or fax the completed Notice of Withdrawal to Liberty's depositary, Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc., at the address set forth in the Notice of Withdrawal. Alternatively, Sennen Shareholders who hold Sennen shares through a brokerage firm should contact their broker to withdraw Sennen shares tendered on their behalf and request that their nominee effect the withdrawal. For more information, please see the Directors' Circular and the Notice of Withdrawal or contact our Information Agent, Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc., per contact information below.

Stated Ian Rozier, President and CEO of Sennen, "With respect to reporting and disclosure, it is quite apparent that Liberty's management show the same contempt for the regulators as they do for Sennen Shareholders, but in the absence of the issuance of a relevant press release by Liberty, I can assure our shareholders that the Liberty Offer was very firmly rejected."

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Sennen Resources Ltd.: Liberty Silver's Hostile Bid Expires

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