Letter: Point this way

Jo Vaccarino, Naples

Point this way

Both Republicans and Democrats are turning Libertarian?

The strangest thing is happening in America today. Democrats like John Mackey from Whole Foods are turning Libertarian. Drew Carey picked up Reason magazine one day and realized he's a Libertarian.

At the same time, Republicans like Glenn Beck and Ron Paul claim libertarianism too.

Amid what appears to be the greatest polarization between the two parties in U.S. history, how can folks from purportedly opposite political platforms both decide to embrace libertarianism?

There is actually a simple answer. Libertarians are fiscally conservative and socially accepting. So is the average American live and let live.

Opportunity is America's theme. We are the land of it or we were. But now, even Americans who don't know what crony capitalism is are feeling the effects of an excess of it going on today. They know that somebody in the government is turning favors for somebody else at the expense of taxpayers.

The two major parties will point the finger at each other, even though both are hideously guilty. But Americans are catching on to this.

The libertarian principle of minimal government, maximum freedom fits Main Street America, almost 40 percent of whom have detached from the parties and registered independent or NPA (no party affiliation).

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Letter: Point this way

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