Sennen Responds to Desperate Plea From Liberty

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 24, 2012) - Sennen Resources Ltd. (SN.V) ("Sennen" or the "Company") comments on the News Release dated August 22, 2012 issued by Liberty Silver Corp ("Liberty") stating that Liberty intend to extend their hostile offer (the "Offer") to Sennen Shareholders until September 10, 2012.

Do not tender your Sennen Shares to the Liberty Offer. Sennen Shareholders are reminded that the Board of Directors have recommended REJECTION of the Liberty Offer for the reasons set out in the Director's Circular dated July 30, 2012. There is no need for Sennen Shareholders to do anything to REJECT the liberty Offer. Please refer to the Director's Circular, which is available on SEDAR, for more detailed reasons for REJECTION, and steps to take if you have already tendered your Sennen Shares.

It comes as no surprise that Liberty's efforts to make a 'cash-grab' of Sennen's treasury have failed. Also, as Liberty has 'sunk' costs into this irresponsible venture, they have little or nothing to lose by extending their bid deadline-possibly endlessly. Sennen Shareholders are justifiably outraged by what they consider to be continual harassment by Liberty, and by extending their offer, Liberty continue to alienate any microscopic support they may have achieved to date. Liberty continues to waste both their own, and unfortunately, the Company's time and money. Sennen Shareholders are not impressed with Liberty's strategy of 'value destruction'.

The facts have not changed:

Stated Ian Rozier, President and CEO, "Liberty continues to treat the Shareholders of Sennen with contempt. We have made our own feelings very clear to Liberty, as have our Shareholders, as to what we think of their Offer, their company, their management and their assets, but they, along with their various advisors, persist in continuing with this nonsense, and in doing so, waste everyone's time and money. Liberty have no credibility with the majority of Sennen Shareholders, and based upon written communication received by Sennen management from one of Liberty's own large shareholders, are rapidly eroding any they have amongst their own. Sennen has zero interest in doing any business whatsoever with Liberty Silver."

Do not tender your Sennen Shares to the Liberty Offer. Sennen Shareholders are reminded that the Board of Directors have recommended REJECTION of the Liberty Offer for the reasons set out in the Director's Circular dated July 30, 2012. There is no need for Sennen Shareholders to do anything to REJECT the liberty Offer. Please refer to the Director's Circular, which is available on SEDAR, for more detailed reasons for REJECTION, and steps to take if you have already tendered your Sennen Shares.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) has reviewed, nor do they accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of, this release.

Read more from the original source:

Sennen Responds to Desperate Plea From Liberty

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