Belarusian students won the 6th International Olympiad on astronomy and Astrophysics

The 6th International Olympiad on astronomy and Astrophysics in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Belarusian schoolchildren took one gold and two bronze medals, as well as two praiseworthy sheet. Correspondent BakuToday the Observatory told Belarusian State University Victor Gorenkov.

The Olympics ended on 14 August, Belarus was represented by five Parties: Rosa Novitskaya (the Lyceum of BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY, Minsk) won the gold medal, Julia Korenovskaya (also the Lyceum of BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY, Minsk) won the bronze medal, Eugene Obukhiv (the gymnasium No. 1 city of Grodno) won the bronze medal. Honourable sheets got two more Minsk students- Mikhail Kushev (the gymnasium No. 29) and the Maria Goshka (the gymnasium No. 50).

Belarusian schoolchildren have traditionally win prizes at international competitions in astronomy. In 2011, with those Olympics they took three medals.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, BakuToday, guide of Belarus has set itself the task of winning national team at the Olympics in London 25 medals, including five gold. After doping scandal in Belarusian with hope piggy Ostapchuk medals on the London Olympics 2012 year 12 Awards (2 Gold, 5 Silver and 5 bronze medals) and 26-th place in the overall ranking of the national teams.

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Belarusian students won the 6th International Olympiad on astronomy and Astrophysics

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