Japanese Market for Orthopedic Soft Tissue Repair & Sports Medicine

NEW YORK, Aug. 7, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:


The Japanese market for orthopedic soft tissue repair and sports medicine exceeded

$1 billion in 2011.

The orthopedic soft tissue repair and sports medicine market includes shoulder repair(rotator cuff and shoulder labrum repair), knee repair (anterior and posterior cruciateligament fixation products and meniscal repair devices) and hyaluronic acidviscosupplementation. None of these segments were affected by the financial crisis in 2011;instead, the market was more hindered by the Great East Japan Earthquake and appreciationof the Japanese yen. Nonetheless, there was a spike in growth in 2011 due to the introductionof a three-injection cycle hyaluronic acid viscosupplementation product in late 2010

This report includes information about:

Japanese Shoulder Repair MarketJapanese Knee Repair MarketJapanese Hyaluronic Acid Viscosupplementation Market

This report provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of market revenues by device type, market forecasts through 2018, unit sales, average selling prices, market drivers and limiters and a detailed competitive analysis, including manufacturer market shares and product portfolios.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . 11.1 JAPANESE MARKET FOR ORTHOPEDIC SOFT TISSUE REPAIR & SPORTS MEDICINE..... 11.2 SHOULDER REPAIR PROCEDURES .... 21.3 ACL/PCL FIXATION DEVICE MARKET ... 31.4MENISCAL REPAIR MARKET ..... 41.5 HYALURONIC ACID VISCOSUPPLEMENTATION MARKET ... 51.6 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS ... 6RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..... 72.1 RESEARCH SCOPE 72.2 IDATA'S 9-STEP METHODOLOGY .... 7Step 1: Project Initiation & Team Selection ..... 8Step 2: Prepare Data Systems and Perform Secondary Research ..... 10Step 3: Preparation for Interviews & Questionnaire Design ..... 11Step 4: Performing Primary Research ..... 12Step 5: Research Analysis: Establishing Baseline Estimates ..... 14Step 6: Market Forecast and Analysis ..... 15Step 7: Identify Strategic Opportunities .. 17Step 8: Final Review and Market Release ...... 18Step 9: Customer Feedback and Market Monitoring .... 19JAPANESE SOFT TISSUE REPAIR & SPORTS MEDICINE MARKETOVERVIEW . 203.1 INTRODUCTION .. 203.1.1 Shoulder Soft Tissue Repair ..... 203.1.2 Knee Soft Tissue Repair .... 213.1.3 Hyaluronic Acid Viscosupplementation . 213.2 CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATE . 223.3MARKET OVERVIEW . 233.4 TREND ANALYSIS ..... 283.5MARKET DRIVERS AND LIMITERS . 313.5.1 Market Drivers .... 313.5.2 Market Limiters ... 333.6 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS . 343.6.1 Leading Competitors .. 343.7MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS 41JAPANESE SHOULDER REPAIR MARKET . 424.1 INTRODUCTION .. 424.1.1 Rotator Cuff Repair ... 424.1.2 Shoulder Labrum Repair .. 444.2 PROCEDURES ...... 454.3MARKET OVERVIEW . 464.4MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST . 514.5MARKET DRIVERS AND LIMITERS . 604.5.1 Market Drivers .... 604.5.2 Market Limiters ... 604.6 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS . 62JAPANESE KNEE REPAIR MARKET ..... 665.1 INTRODUCTION .. 665.1.1 ACL/PCL Repair . 665.1.2 Meniscal Repair .. 675.2 PROCEDURES ...... 685.3MARKET OVERVIEW . 695.4MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST . 745.4.1 ACL/PCL Repair Market .. 745.4.1.1 Tibial Fixation Market by Segment .....795.4.1.2 Femoral Fixation Market ......885.4.2 Meniscal Repair Market by Segment ..... 975.5MARKET DRIVERS AND LIMITERS ...... 1065.5.1 Market Drivers .. 1065.5.2 Market Limiters . 1075.6 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS ...... 108JAPANESE HYALURONIC ACID VISCOSUPPLEMENTATION MARKET . 1146.1 INTRODUCTION 1146.1.1.1 Single-Injection Products ....1156.1.1.2 Three-Injection Cycle Products ..1156.1.1.3 Five-Injection Cycle Products ....1156.2MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST ...... 1166.3MARKET DRIVERS AND LIMITERS ...... 1236.3.1 Market Drivers .. 1236.3.2 Market Limiters . 1246.4 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS ...... 125ABBREVIATIONS ... 128

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Japanese Market for Orthopedic Soft Tissue Repair & Sports Medicine

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