No `free' health care: Letters to the Editor for Monday, August 6, 2012

No `free' health care

Re "No such thing as free" (Letters, July 20):

The letter writer is absolutely incorrect. There is no "free" health care in the UK. I am a British citizen currently living in the U.S. The National Health Service is something that everyone pays into on the day that they are employed, which for me was at 15 years old. As your wage increases so does the amount you pay into the NHS. At such a young age, one hopes they won't have many health issues, but you pay anyway and when the time comes and you do need health care, it is there for you. It would be nice if people got their facts correct before spouting forth something they obviously know little about. My family and I were well taken care of in England. I say that if you cannot afford health insurance in the U.S., you are standing on insecure ground.

- Joan Debbage, Cerritos

Israel's capital

Re "Just smile, Romney" (Letters, Aug. 2):

The letter writer has two misconceptions about U.S. policy regarding Israel's capital. Congress is responsible for setting foreign policy, the president for executing it. Romney can rely on Congress' decision that the American Embassy in Israel should be located in Jerusalem, and the president is remiss in failing to move it there. The world need not "declare" where Israel's capital is. I know of precedents of international recognition (or refusal to recognize)

- Louis Richter, Reseda

Watch on your own time

Re "Keep Olympics viewing in balance" (Editorial, Aug. 2):

Read the original here:

No `free' health care: Letters to the Editor for Monday, August 6, 2012

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