V.P. candidate stumps in city

Home News Politics James Gray, Libertarian candidate for vice president, endorses a ballot initiative to define marriage in Ohio as 'a union of two consenting adults.' He spoke at a rally Saturday. THE BLADE/ZACK CONKLE Enlarge Loading

Published: 8/5/2012 - Updated: 5 minutes ago


Libertarian party vice presidential candidate James Gray teamed up with same-sex marriage advocates Saturday to endorse a ballot initiative that would define marriage in Ohio's Constitution as "a union of two consenting adults."

About 15 supporters of gay marriage and the Libertarian party attended a news conference outside the Lucas County Courthouse, where Mr. Gray praised the "Freedom to Marry" amendment on behalf of himself and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico.

"Unlike Mitt Romney or President Obama, Governor Johnson and I believe the right to marry who we choose is a constitutionally protected right," Mr. Gray said. "Governor Johnson and I are proud to lend our support, and urge the good people of Ohio to put their state on the side of equality and against government being in the business of deciding who can marry whom."

Mr. Gray also criticized President Obama's treatment of the issue.

"President Obama came out in support of gay marriage, but then he calls it a state issue. What does that mean? It means he doesn't have to do anything about it," he said. "It's shallow."

Ian James, co-founder of Free- domOhio, the organization proposing the amendment, also spoke to supporters at the event.

"Ohioans know marriage helps committed couples take care of each other and their families," he said. "Marriage matters because it's a public declaration of two adults' love and commitment for one another."

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V.P. candidate stumps in city

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