Gary Johnson, Libertarian presidential candidate, endorses Oregon marijuana initiative

Sponsors of the marijuana legalization measure on the Oregon ballot announced Friday that Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson is endorsing their initiative.

Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, has been a firm proponent of legalizing pot and has said that he regularly smoked marijuana from 2005 to 2008 as he recovered from serious injuries following a paragliding accident.

Johnson won the national Libertarian Party's nomination in May but has not been formally placed on the Oregon ballot at this point. Assuming that he does, his backing for the Oregon measure could attract votes from many of the state's ardent supporters of marijuana legalization.

That could pull votes from President Barack Obama, who has disappointed some of his supporters from 2008 because he has refused to endorse legalization.

Johnson has also endorsed marijuana legalization measures in Colorado and Washington.

"Regulating marijuana and restoring agricultural hemp to America's farmers and entrepreneurs makes sense for Americas economy and for its national security, Johnson was quoted as saying in a press release from the campaign for the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act. If you believe in the sanctity of individual rights and personal responsibility, and want to see your government focus on real threats and crimes, I urge you to support Measure 80.

Johnson's running mate, former California judge Jim Gray, also endorsed the measure.

--Jeff Mapes

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Gary Johnson, Libertarian presidential candidate, endorses Oregon marijuana initiative

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