Oxford University Press launches Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health

Public release date: 5-Jul-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Lizzie Shannon-Little lizzie.shannonlittle@oup.com 44-186-535-3043 Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press (OUP) and the Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health Foundation are pleased to announce the launch of the open access journal Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health (EMPH).

EMPH publishes original, rigorous applications of evolutionary biology to problems in medicine and public health, and research that advances basic evolutionary biology by studying issues that arise in the medical sciences. Knowledge will flow in both directions, with emphasis on work with the potential to reduce suffering and save lives. Because evolutionary biology is a basic science that reaches across many disciplines, EMPH is open to contributions on a broad range of topics.

The President of the Foundation, Randolph Nesse, said: "Evolutionary biology is a science whose applications in medicine and public health are finally being recognized. Articles published in EMPH will bring new recognition to these applications and to studies of disease that advance basic science. The Foundation is grateful to the distinguished evolutionary biologist Professor Stephen Stearns of Yale University for agreeing to lead the journal as Editor-in Chief. He has recruited eighty-nine of the most respected scholars in their fields to serve as Associate Editors; they include, as Senior Editors, David Haig (Harvard University), Carlo Maley (University of California, San Francisco), Angela McLean (University of Oxford), Andrew Read (Pennsylvania State University), and Gregory Wray (Duke University). The Foundation looks forward to working with Oxford University Press and appreciates its willingness to make EMPH fully open access and to provide for publication by authors with limited funding. The launch of EMPH marks the coming of age of evolutionary medicine. Its content will transform our understanding of the body and disease in ways that improve human health."

Cathy Kennedy, Senior Publisher, Life Sciences, at OUP said: "We are extremely proud and excited to announce the EMPH launch. We see the new journal as a great tool to promote dialogue between the disciplines of evolutionary biology and medicine, acting as a catalyst for research that will make a serious impact on humankind. Professor Stearns has gathered together a first-class team of editors who will help to ensure that the new journal is of the very highest quality."

The first papers in Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health will be published by OUP in late 2012. The journal is now open for contributions on a broad range of topics and is designed to be of interest and accessible across a broad spectrum of biological and medical disciplines. No author's fees will apply in the first year, and arrangements are in place for on-going publication of articles by authors with limited funding. Visit the website for more information, submission guidelines, and to sign up to receive tables of contents by email or RSS: http://www.emph.oxfordjournals.org


For more information contact: Lizzie Shannon-Little Brand & Communications Assistant Manager Oxford University Press lizzie.shannonlittle@oup.com +44 (0)1865 353043

Notes to editors

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Oxford University Press launches Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health

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