Celebrating Freedom

As the nation celebrates 236 years of independence, we also celebrate our freedom.

Dorris, California is proud of their flag - and they're also proud of their freedom.

"Freedom of speech" Notes firefighter Randy Cash of CalFire. "It's just nice to know that no matter what, you can say what you think and you're entitled to that opinion, and voicing that opinion."

Freedom to assemble for a public meeting, or even a parade...

Barbara C of Dorris says she's thankful for "Freedom that I can worship God anywhere I want, go to any church I want, and just glorify Him."

"Our right to bear arms." Says Gene Lane of the Butte Valley Friends of the N.R.A. "It gives us the right to protect ourselves against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

"My favorite freedom is to vote." Adds Troy King of Klamath Falls. "I have a right to go out and vote."

"Freedom of the press is important." States Andrew Creasey, a reporter for the Klamath Falls Herald & News. "Because it's important to stay informed. To know what's going on, it's good to have people that aren't told what to do, and have the freedom to cover what they want."

Ian Andreatta of Dorris summed it up...

"My favorite freedom is the freedom to do what you'd like."

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Celebrating Freedom

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